Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mad Men

So, I'm a little late to the party, but I have a new obsession. Mad Men.
O.M.G what a show.

Seriously, it's addictive and an amazing look at life in the 60's. Women have absolutely NO say in their marriage and certainly not at the work place. Holey Moley.
I know I complain about working with all men in a construction office but boy oh boy do I have it better than the poor secretaries in the 60's!

Ew, and all the smoking? In restaurants, on trains, IN the all seems so crazy and fake to me, but I know it wasn't long ago that you could still SMOKE ON PLANES! How insane is that?

Anyways...I am almost done Season 1 (can you tell I watched 2 episodes last night, gotta love the handy DVD player) and I can't wait to get Season 2 on demand as soon as I'm done.

Tonight I am being domestic and am going to make baked Ziti for our dinner. I know, it's simple and basic but for me it's a pretty big undertaking seeing as I had a bagel for dinner last night. ha!

Wish me luck!

oh, and I checked out Ida Clair on Hopsy's recommendation...holy cute stuff batman! I want to order one of everything!

1 comment:

Dollface said...

Hmm never seen. Will check it out! thanks :) xoxo