Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here's the news!

A drumroll please...

I am 3 months pregnant with our first baby!

Mr. Pit and I saw the baby this morning on an ultrasound and it was no less than incredible. I cried, and I think I even saw a tear from Mr. Pit himself. It was amazing to see this little tiny person! We saw arms and legs and fingers and toes and the baby was moving all around, jumping, bouncing, sucking it's thumb...totally unbelievable. Everything measured healthy and we couldn't have had a nicer ultrasound technician. She got us some great pictures, which I can't download here because they are now PDF's, but I will try to get them converted to jpegs so I can show them to you.

The ultrasound technician measured the babys head, and the nuchal fold (a skin flap at the back of the babies neck) as well as the crown-t0-rump and when my doctor gets that info this afternoon it will confirm our due date. Right now the doctor thinks it is between the 30th of April and the 1st of May, so these measurements will tell us which side of Aries or Taurus the baby will be :)

We are really really excited and happy and are looking forward to the next 6 months to get the house ready as well as ME ready for this whole delivery thing!

My other news is regarding my ALL TIME favorite brand of SCOUT by Bungalow, but I don't really have anything to confirm yet, but hopefully there is another trunk show or two in the works as well as some online fun as well. I was down in DC earlier this week to hash it all out so that was that fun adventure!

Hope all is well with you all, the weather is yucky here in Philly and will be for the next 4 days (gotta love NorEasters!) but it's all sunny and happy in my head :) :)

xoxo Mrs. Pit


Erin said...



Dollface said...

oh my gosh!! congrats!! Are you going to want to find out the sex or have it be a surprise? This is such an amazing thing, yay, xxxoo

Black Labs and Lilly said...


This is so exciting!!! Sorry we haven't had a recap of OTH lately, I am behind on my episodes, hopefully I'll catch up this weekend!!

Her Preppiness said...

Congratulations to you!!!!

Kate said...

YAY Congrats!