Monday, May 10, 2010

A 1st Mothers Day

My first Mother's Day was wonderful. We haven't been getting much sleep in these parts (but does anyone with a 2 week old?) and somehow we still managed to make it to Mother's Day brunch at the club on Sunday with the whole family.

The whole staff at the club was enamored with the little one, who of course decided to take a 2 hour nap during the whole event, and we found out her picture is not only in the kitchen of the club but also in the pro shop :) We also got lots of offers to baby sit as well, and we'll definitely take people up on it if they're not careful!

Mr. Pit also surprised me with a beautiful ring that was very hard to take off, but it's way too fancy for normal daytime wear...didn't he do a great job? It's really nice too because sapphires are my birthstone and diamonds are Little Pits, so it was a perfect ring for my first Mother's Day. We are also lucky that she wasn't late because May's birthstone is Emerald...but his plan worked!

Otherwise we're a little exhausted but very happy over here. Mr. Pit has been great and been so helpful around the house and with dinners and everything, we are very lucky to have married such a great guy.

Here are some pics of the little miss and my surprise :)

I hope everyone had great weekends and fabulous Mother's Days for those Mom's out there!

The inlaws are in town tomorrow and we have lots of other visitors scheduled for the week, yay!

I can't say when I'll be blogging again, it's amazing how close the laptop is but how far away it can seem with an infant that needs tending...but I'll try to be better, I promise!

xoxo Mrs. Pit

1 comment:

Sweet Southern Prep said...

The first is so beautiful and the next so cute! Wow, I'm impressed that y'all took the little one on an outing that soon. I think most of my time in those first weeks were spent on the couch. :)