Tuesday, October 9, 2012

He's finally here!!

Hi all!
Baby Pit is here! Paul Tillman came into the world, fast and furious at 12:21 pm on October 4th. He weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long. Looking at him now I have NO idea how I carried him for 41 weeks!

Last Thursday was the most insane, intense and awesome day in a long time.

A rundown of our day...otherwise known as the fastest 5 hours of my life!

6:00am I woke up to call the Labor and Delivery department to make sure they had a bed available for my induction. They did and after a light breakfast and a quick goodbye to Little Pit (she stayed at my parents house for the day and we had all slept over the night before) we were off.

7:30am We checked in to Labor and Delivery and got all hooked up to the contraction monitors and heart rate monitor for the baby. The doctor was performing a C-Section at the time, but we'd been told she'd be in shortly.

8:30am After lots of paperwork and prep the IV with the pitocin finally gets started. I had been having absolutely NO contractions that morning before this, so they were unsure how long the whole process would take (keep that in mind in a few paragraphs)

9:30am The doctor finally comes in to check on me and up until then the contractions were very mild and Mr. Pit and I were happily watching LIVE! With Kelly and Michael and chatting away. The doctor did a quick check and before I knew it she broke my water and then things REALLY got started.

10:30am The past hour went by really quickly with my contractions getting stronger by the minute and they were coming faster and faster. I luckily knew I wanted an epidural and had requested one around 10, knowing that in short time they would be really painful. At this point when the anesthesiologist showed up it was perfect timing as the contractions were impossible to talk through or practically breath through.

10:45am The epidural has kicked in and I can't feel a thing. Bliss doesn't even begin to describe it. I try to take a small nap since I am now overwhelmed with a sleepy feeling.

12:00pm Nurses begin to come in and set up the room saying that I am really close to being ready. I have felt NOTHING in the last hour or so, so this is all news to me! They keep asking if I feel like pushing and I keep saying no, that I can barely feel my legs and feel none of the contractions. They say this is fine, but I will be having the baby soon so get ready!

12:15pm The doctor comes in and tells me to push. I can't feel anything, but apparently I am pushing well and his head is out in 2 tries. Turns out the cord is around his neck, so the next seconds were blurry and scary but then all of a sudden he was out and screaming.

12:22pm The baby is placed on the scale and no one can believe how big he is and how on earth I carried such a big baby without gaining too much weight (total weight gain was 24 lbs, it was closer to 40 with Little Pit). I can't tell you how, it wasn't anything I did on purpose (and if anything I felt like I took a lot of dietary short cuts and didn't eat all that well the last trimester). Anyways, we were overjoyed that he came out healthy and that the doctor was able to get the cord off with no lasting damage.

By 2:00pm I was up in recovery devouring a turkey hoagie and red gatorade (my two biggest cravings after Little Pit too!) and life has been insane ever since!

Today he is 5 days old and he is a very chill little guy. He definitely has his days and nights mixed up and does NOT like his crib or the bassinet and would much rather be held to sleep, but we'll work on it. Mr. Pit is home all week which is awesome, and right now is he at Gymboree with Little Pit and BP and I are just chilling, trying to get some tidying done, but mostly we are just resting. I know that next week real life will really kick in, so I am trying to take the time to let my body heal (let me tell you, when the epidural wore off I could absolutely feel that I delivered a rather large baby, but it gets better every day).

So, here is a picture of our little man. We couldn't be happier. Little Pit is being an AMAZING big sister too, she has been very helpful and only a little whiny which is impressing all of us.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

xoxo Mrs. Pit


AEOT said...

Amanda, he looks just like LP!!! What a big doll face he is!!! Trust me, big babies are the BEST- they eat well, they sleep better (eventually, it's still the first week, honey!!), and they are just SO DARN CUTE!!!!!!!!!

Sleep, rest, eat, love him up and try to keep yourself sane with LP too. Then, when you can, get back here with more pics!!!!! Congrats to all four of you. I'm so thrilled!!

Kate said...

Congratulations! What a cutie!